
May 11, 2013

Dillon Eustace is delighted to support the UCITS XXV Thought Leadership Symposium

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Dillon Eustace is delighted to support the UCITS XXV Thought Leadership Symposium which will be held in Brussels on the 15th of May 2013. The event will bring together UCITS constituent stakeholders through a programme of panel discussions involving European policy-makers, regulators and advisors together with the national regulators, investment manager and investors in UCITS. The programme will include topics such as: In its evolution from a fund product to an investment framework, has UCITS evolved too far? Post-financial crisis how can effective regulation and product innovation sit side by side? The globalisation of UCITS: will it continue? Or is the future, regional products? What investors want from UCITS and the appropriate product parameters. Threats to UCITS; what are they and what is being done to address them. UCITS V, VI and beyond - what is required to keep UCITS "fit for purpose". Further details are available at