Advising educational and healthcare service providers in defending claims
Paul is the Head of the Insurance Litigation and Dispute Resolution team.
Paul has over 26 years’ experience in general insurance and self-insured defence litigation dealing with a claims portfolio to include high value complex cases.
Paul practices exclusively in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department dealing with the conduct of defence litigation on behalf of self-insured companies, national and international insurance companies, in policy coverage, motor claims, employers liability claims, public liability claims and products liability claims.
Paul has an established record in managing a team of senior legal executives, senior associates and partners who handle claims of all values in a proactive and commercial manner. He deal with claims in an efficient and time sensitive way.
Paul also acts for self-insured clients and understands the need to engage at all stages in the pre-litigation and litigation process to bring about early resolution which is crucial to effective and efficient service delivery.
Paul is the Head of the Insurance Litigation and Dispute Resolution team.
Paul has over 26 years’ experience in general insurance and self-insured defence litigation dealing with a claims portfolio to include high value complex cases.
Paul practices exclusively in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department dealing with the conduct of defence litigation on behalf of self-insured companies, national and international insurance companies, in policy coverage, motor claims, employers liability claims, public liability claims and products liability claims.
Paul has an established record in managing a team of senior legal executives, senior associates and partners who handle claims of all values in a proactive and commercial manner. He deal with claims in an efficient and time sensitive way.
Paul also acts for self-insured clients and understands the need to engage at all stages in the pre-litigation and litigation process to bring about early resolution which is crucial to effective and efficient service delivery.
Relevant Experience
Advising insurers on catastrophic injury claims
Advising insurers on issues relating to inquests
Insurers – representation before the Taxing Master
Advising on complex time on risk claims
Advising on industrial disease claims