
Brian Dillon

Partner | Dublin
Asset Management and Investment Funds

Brian advises many domestic and international asset managers who are establishing regulated investment funds in Ireland. Brian also advises administrators, depositaries, independent directors and management companies on their interactions with Irish investment funds and with the Central Bank of Ireland.

Brian's portfolio of clients include Irish, Japanese, Hong Kong, Korean, Chinese, Singaporean, Indian, Australian, Swiss, MENA, UK and US asset managers.

Brian established and managed the firm's Tokyo representative office and was admitted as a foreign member of the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations while resident in Japan. He was also admitted as a Foreign Lawyer with the Law Society of Hong Kong while working in Hong Kong for Dillon Eustace.

He has served on several committees of Irish Funds and is a regular speaker at both Irish Funds and AIMA industry events. He is also a member of the International Bar Association and contributes articles for their various Investment Fund publications.

Brian’s representative transactions include advising:

  • Asset managers on the establishment of UCITS umbrella funds in Ireland.
  • Asset managers on appropriate Alternative Regulated Fund structures in Ireland.
  • Irish fund administrators and depositaries on regulatory applications to the Central Bank of Ireland.
  • Irish fund administrators and depositaries on fund disputes.
  • Asset managers listing Irish and non-Irish funds on Euronext Dublin.
  • Asset managers on the merger of funds to Ireland.
  • Asset managers on the redomiciliation of funds to Ireland from Cayman and other domiciles.
  • Clients on AIFMD, UCITS Management Company and Administrator authorisation applications to the Central Bank of Ireland.
  • Clients undergoing various supervisory reviews conducted by the Central Bank of Ireland.
  • Clients establishing funds in the Cayman Islands in conjunction with our Cayman based fund partners.

Related Practice Areas

Asset Management and Investment Funds

Financial Services


Trinity College

Dublin University

The Law Society of Ireland