
Asset Management and Investment FundsSeptember 20, 2019

Dillon Eustace sponsor and participate in Inside ETF

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Dillon Eustace are delighted to sponsor and participate in the Inside ETF London conference on the 7-8 October in Bisphopsgate, London. Come along to hear Partner Brian Kelliher who is participating in a panel at 10.10am on the 7 October discussing:

"Regulation Updates – Impacts on Investment" covering areas such as:

MiFiDII and transaction cost reporting: Have we seen a shift towards tracker products? What are the challenges brought to product structures? What happens to outflows and flow reverse?

Other panelist include Sean Tuffy of Citi, Paul Ellis of HSBC Security Services and Rochelle (Shelly) Antoniewicz of ICI Global.

To find out more about the agenda and or to register to attend the conference click here. If you are in attendance and want to speak to a Dillon Eustace ETF team member reach out to our attendees Brian Higgins and Shane Coveney if you wish to discuss ETF regulatory issues or understand the benefits of using Ireland as a domicile for your European ETFs.