
September 30, 2010

Brian Higgins to speak at UCITS for Fund Managers Conference on November 8th 2010

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Introduction to UCITS Funds: Defining the Possibilities

Topics to be discussed will include:

Definition of a UCITS fund

  • Structures, fees and the "stickiness" of money: what goes in, what goes out and how much you get to keep
  • UCITS Passport and the benefits of distribution
  • Eligible assets and the concept of "transferable securities"
  • Investor profiles: what type of investor is attracted to the different fund structures?

Roles and responsibilities of key UCITS players

  • Choosing service providers: pros and cons of setting up your own fund, or choosing the "plug and play" option of a platform provider

Investor expectations: can they be met with the more-restrictive UCITS requirements?

  • Impact of the financial crisis and reform: why are your clients demanding UCITS?

If you require further information on this please email