
24 Mar 2020

CRO Filing Extension


Corporate and M&A

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The Registrar of Companies has decided that all annual returns due to be filed by any Company from the 20th March 2020 and up to the 30th June 2020 will be deemed to have been filed on time if all elements of the annual return are completed and filed by 30th of June.

If you are due to complete your annual filing at any time up to 30th June, your annual return will be deemed to have been filed on time if you capture the B1 form, upload your financial statements, pay the fee and submit it online and then deliver the signature page as normal to the CRO by that date.

You may also complete the filing as normal using ROS signatures instead of a signature page. The CRO has stated that annual returns may not be processed within the usual timeframe but anything that has been received will be queued and processed as soon as possible. They have also stated that they will be keeping the situation under review and the date of the 30th June may be extended if necessary, depending on how the situation develops. Further information can be found on or by phoning them on 1890 220 226.

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