Investment Funds Listing duplicateSeptember 27, 2018
Briefing for Funds Marketed in the UK
For further information on any of the issues discussed in this publication please contact the related contact(s) on this page.
Deadline for FCA Consultation for Inbound Passported Firms and UK Marketed Funds extended
The FCA published a survey in June 2018 aimed at fund managers and other stakeholders addressing possible post-Brexit scenarios,
specifically firms wishing to avail of the Temporary Permissions Regime (TPR) to continue marketing their services and funds in the UK.
This survey deadline has been extended due to a lack of responses. The survey can be accessed here.
Completing this survey should not take more than 15-30 minutes. The FCA has stressed that it is important that all firms intending to make use of the TPR to continue marketing their funds or to provide services in the UK complete the survey. This will allow both the FCA and HM Treasury to make adequate preparations for the regime.
The FCA have also published information about how they plan to implement the TPR for firms that passport into the UK or market funds in the UK after 29 March 2019. See further information here and here.
If you have any questions in relation to the above please contact a member of the Foreign Registrations Team or your usual contact at Dillon Eustace.
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